Items DB

Common junk

  TL Item name Modifiers Item status
1 Bat Sirloin
Health: +1
1 Animal Skin
1 Big Entrails
1 Bodily Fluids
1 Bone
1 Chitin Plate
1 Chitin Scraps
1 Kidney
1 Horn Scraps
1 Entrails
1 Limbs
1 Deformed Teeth
1 Fang
1 Small Entrails
1 Insect Eyes
1 Bloody Skin
1 Hardware Scraps
1 Blue Poisongland
1 Brown Poisongland
1 Processor V.1337
1 Chitin
1 Deseased Flesh
1 Green Poisongland
1 Large Animal Limbs
1 Hardware Based OS
1 Energy Generator
1 Electric Motor
1 Cable
1 Computer Junk
1 bio-based -mAsTeR- OS
1 Wood
1 Malformed Brain
1 Mutated Entrails
1 Mutated Limbs
1 Rotten Flesh
1 Small Limbs
1 Tronik Parts
1 Tufts of Hair
1 Prototype B11 Chip
1 Wire Junk
1 Metal Plate
1 Glass
1 Metal Pipes
1 Processor
1 Small piece of Flesh
Health: +50
1 Big piece of Flesh
Health: +100
1 Medium piece of Flesh
Health: +75
1 Biotech Garbage
1 Melted Laser Device
1 Optical Identification Sensors
1 Broken Implant
1 Durable Hi-precision Parts
1 Damaged Processor Framework
1 Mercury Super Processing Unit
1 Sand Viper Gland
1 Scorpion Minion Essence
1 Slimeworm Bladder
1 Slimeworm Excretion
1 Small Hydraulic Parts
1 Swarmer Skin
1 Unreal Fabric
1 Ancient Launcher Connections
1 Chaos Claw
1 Chaos Minion Chitin
1 Soulcluster Essence
1 Field Dampener
1 Fire Core
1 Viper King Poisongland
1 Hellspawn Claw
1 Viper King Keratin Plate
1 Large Hydraulic Parts
1 Viper King Keratin Scraps
1 Large Limbs
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF1201
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF1202
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF1203
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF1204
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF3201
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF3202
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF3203
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF3204
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF5201
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF5202
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF5203
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF5204
1 Large Tendons
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF7201
1 Left Flapper Eye
1 Arm of a Warrior
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF7202
1 Mechanical Joint Parts
1 Internal Motion Sensors
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF7203
1 Muscle Sinews
1 Bunch of Melted Wires
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF7204
1 Nuclear Energy Generator
1 Hair of a Warrior
1 Small Hydraulic Parts
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF9201
1 Old Uniform Scraps
1 Broken Sensor Device
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF9202
1 Renegade Armor Parts
1 Disfunctional Power Supply
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF9203
1 Right Flapper Eye
1 Discharged Power Supply
1 Computer Component Reg. #FF9204
1 Cryton's Bone Recipe
1 Melted Entrails
1 Mysterious Broken Implant
1 Snake Minion Teeth
10 Energycore
20 Cytokinin
20 Petiolus
20 Defunct Copbot Ethic Chip
20 Prototype AMC5 Processor
25 Ceres Block Store - 1-C
50 Elecronical Triggerdevice V 0.1.1
75 Subliminal Targeting System V 0.2.5
80 Ceres Azure Connector
80 Ceres Decryption Key - 2-B
80 Ceres Decryption Key - 3-D
80 Ceres Decryption Key - 4-B
80 Ceres Decryption Module
90 Advanced Autonome Gyroscope System V 0.1.9
150 Wisdom of Ceres Disc
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