Latest Neocron News and Information
- New test server patch #608 has been released to Vedeena
Change Log
Version 3.2.7 - 16 May 2022
- Fixed issues with get API 500 error.
- Package updates.
Version 3.2.6 - 25 September 2021
- Package updates to fix a CDN issue affecting some browser.
Version 3.2.5 - 25 August 2021
Version 3.2.4 - 25 March 2021
- Added: API role for Rares DB.
- Added: API field `url_popup` in API data for Items DB popup URL.
- Legacy redirect URLs from Items at are no longer supported.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.2.3 - 2 March 2021
- Fixed: Resources issue with the API resulting in timeouts/server errors. Thanks to for working with the THN in fixing this issue.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.2.2 - 24 Feb 2021
- Fixed: Image uploading.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.2.1 - 17 Feb 2021
- Copying popup URL links will now show the Item details when used in Discord and other OG supported link renderers.
- Improved THN API authentication performance.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.2.0 - 1 Feb 2021
- This release is to simplify and split the API from the Items DB to it's own endpoints. As a result a lot of code has been refactored and updated.
- Breaking change: API access is completed changed. See for information on upgrading..
- Breaking change: All item and group endpoints no longer can be accessed by API user.
- Breaking change: All API access endpoints are via
- Breaking change: Getting an item using the slug is dropped.
- Changed: API Keys and Secrets headers for clients are changed to the Version 4 format see for details.
Version 3.1.7 - 17 Jan 2020
- Hotfix: Fix issue with deployment on new server.
Version 3.1.6 - 3 Jan 2020
- Hotfix: Fix item editing and adding.
Version 3.1.5 - 27 Dec 2020
- Updates to support the upcoming server move.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.1.2-3.1.4 - 22-24 May 2020
- Major update to the Items DB framework and code.
- All API access: Switched to the new THN API authentication service.
- Framework updated to Monolight Framework 5.0.
- Items DB is now running on PHP 7.4.
- Most of the backward compatibility issues are fixed - there may be a few that have escaped.
- Simplified and removed some more old groups code.
- Hotfix: Fix missing global messages.
- Hotfix: Fix menu bar not showing correctly when logged in.
Version 3.1.1 - 11 May 2020
- JSON API: Tweak groups node to include the full path.
- JSON API: Item local link image available to API keys with the appropriate permissions.
- JSON API: Item CDN link image available to API keys with the appropriate permissions.
- JSON API: Group access endpoint no longer shows the grant decision.
- JSON API: Security groups updated.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.1.0 - 08 May 2020
- JSON API: Item details - reduced number of items attributes the data output.
- JSON API: Item lists are only accessible to set groups of collections.
- JSON API: Item link data is only available to API keys with the appropriate permissions.
- JSON API: Item image data is only available to API keys with the appropriate permissions.
- JSON API: Added endpoint to allow API keys to view the groups you have access to.
- Please note: THN API Keys are limited and still being granted case by case.
- Minor adjustments to the headers for Twitter.
- Removed legacy Items DB search.
- A lot of tidying up of the Group Treebuilder code.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.0.19 - 3 May 2020
- Fixed: Layout issues with items on grid pages.
- Added: Basic item information added to headers for Twitter, Discord and Facebook
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.0.18 - 30 April 2020
- Fixed issue with cluetips and UI functionality fix.
Version 3.0.17 - 29 April 2020
- Fixed: Search endpoints returns the wrong results in some cases.
- Further optimizations to the Items DB SDK UI.
- Added Icon Image HTML for Items DB SDK.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.0.15-3.0.16 - 25 April 2020
- Copying links: Added copy links dropdown for group list.
- Copying links: Added support for links to use on THN Wiki articles to display Item DB items and groups.
- API Items search: Caching of results added.
- API Items search: Searching of THN Items DB Legacy ID's added - For THN Wiki internal use only.
- Items DB UI SDK: Changes to allow use of Copy Clipboard on Group list pages.
- Improved loading/caching of configuration to speed up page loads.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.0.14 - 18 April 2020
- Fixed: Issues with CSS for API users.
- Updated: Grid style for API users.
- Added: New link styles for API users.
- No usual package updates this time.
Version 3.0.13 - 17 April 2020
- Added: New API search endpoint for API users.
- Fixed: Missing Delete item attribute button on Edit Item.
- Fixed: Item image selection scrolling off the page.
- Fixed: Broken not white background colour.
- The usual package updates.
Version 3.0.12 - 13 April 2020
- Fixed: Incorrect script causing image selection to fail.
- API Auth: Authentication via query parameters depreciated and will be dropped soon. Use the Authentication headers instead. See THN Wiki article on Authentication
- Some updates ro support the Items DB SDK.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.11 - 11 April 2020
- Further work to optimise the CSS.
- Added missing blue background colour for trophies.
- Items DB CSS is now in an NPM package. (Not public)
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.9-3.0.10 - 10 April 2020
- Fixed issue with JSON output when no image is available.
- Improved handling of JSON responses.
- Updates to JSON responses to use the current .
- JSON: Current Item ID on single item endpoints fixed
- JSON: Detailed node ID property changed to detailedID
- All CSS re-worked and optimised.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.8 - 6 April 2020
- Fixed issue with images accidentally being removed.
- The image group dropdown list is now sorted alphabetically.
- Add ability to create links on items.
- Added links to JSON output.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.7 - 2 April 2020
- JSON output formatted updated - this feature is in beta and is subject to change.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.6 - 31 March 2020
- Updates for API access.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.5 - 3 Aug 2019
- Fix for browsers with unsupport language.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.4 - 27 July 2019
Version 3.0.1 - 3.0.3 - 31 May 2019
- #4611 - Further updates for the migration to the new THN infrastructure.
- #4635 - Fixed cases where images were not shown.
Version 3.0.0 - 19 May 2019
- #4595 - Items DB has been upgraded and migrated to Monolight Framework 4.5
- #3787 - All other THN packages have been updated.
Version 2.2.4 & 2.2.5 - 18 March 2018
- #3913 - Admin - Fixed group sorter.
- #3912 - Framework package updates.
- #3912 - HTTP2 support enabled.
Version 2.2.3 - 21 Nov 2017
- #3777 - All i8n routes updates.
- #3777 - Fixed a broken route. (Hotfix)
- #3759 - Framework package updates.
Version 2.2.2 - 3 Nov 2017
- #3767 - Improve and refactor list options to remove dependencies to allow any column to be shown.
- #3737 - TL can now be shown on the grid view.
- #3738 - Different sizes grids can now be selected.
- #3756 - Allow background gradients colours to grid images.
- #3765 - Improve rendering time of lists.
- #3768 - Fixed review page when parts lists are shown in groups.
- #3766 - Fixed editing of attribute groups.
- #3755 - Add player group icon.
- #3754 - Add tank icon.
- #3770 - Updates and fixes to the view options.
Version 2.2.1 - 30 Oct 2017
- #3101 - Improve group options to allow inheriting of parent settings.
- #3746 - XML format removed.
- #3740 - API user and key support added.
- #3172 - The code for handling view security was completely rewritten.
- #3734 - Fixed image align in parts editor.
- #3733 - Fixed enable skill requirement string for diff view.
- #3735 - An issue with image filenames was fixed.
- #3739 - Fixed issue with item links in popups going to the desktop site.
- #3739 - Fixed flicker issues with tabs.
Version 2.2.0 - 21 Oct 2017
- #3724 - CSS and JS updates.
- #3724 - Home page icons updated.
- #3724 - The Grid view has been revamped and is now in use.
Version 2.1.11 - 25 Sept 2017
- #3620 - Further 7.1 updates to fix a bug on save and THN package updates.
Version 2.1.10 - 18 Sept 2017
Version 2.1.9 - 27 Aug 2017
- #3594 - Updates in preparation for the Wiki upgrade.
Version 2.1.8 - 5 Aug 2017
- #3303 - Further work on Metadata validation and selection.
- #3593 - Zero values are no longer allowed on attribute items.
- #3220 - Group descriptions now allow longer entries (2000 chars)
- #3265 - Made a lot of admin edit boxes bigger.
Version 2.1.7 - 1 Aug 2017
- #3329 - Framework updates.
- #3333 - Feature: Show item name on all items in heading when editing.
- #3327 - Feature: Allow approval on Diff cluetips.
- #3303 - Improvements to the Metadata tag items.
Version 2.1.6 - 19 December 2016
- #2280 - Feature: Group data is now cached.
- #3306 - Feature: Items now have patch level data.
- #3331 - Added: NotDecimal Expression operator.
- #3330 - Change: Attribute editing is now on one tab page.
- #3328 - Change: Update metadata to allow Enabled attributes to become lists.
Version 2.1.1-2.1.5- 7 November 2016
- #3133 - Added: Breadcrumbs.
- #3211 - Added: Added WoC Items list.
- #3245 - Added: Users can now see their item updates from the last 30 days..
- #3248 - Added: A yellow exclamation shows for items with pending updates.
- #3248 - Added: A green exclamation shows for items updated within the last 14 days.
- #3249 - Added: Item details now show if they been updated in the last 14 days.
- #3234 - Added: Hacknet only attribute support fixed.
- #3224 - Added: HasPos Expression operator.
- #3194 - Added: Current Expression operator.
- #3238 - Added: IsDecimal Expression operator.
- #3247 - Added: Days (ago) Expression operator.
- #3225 - Added: Expression support expanded to support all fields.
- #3219 - Added: Expression support now supports simple AND and OR expressions.
- #3242 - Changed: Re-worked username lookups on items.
- #3222 - Fixed: Don't show groups which cannot be assigned to.
- #3223 - Fixed: Only allow expressions to search groups and lists only.
- #3226 - Fixed: Update name validation to allow a minimum of 4 characters to allow 'wood'.
- #3239 - Fixed: Allow TL0 items.
- #3246 - Fixed: Updated date not updated on item root object.
- #3250 - Fixed: Missing role which prevented users from seeing the user options.
- #3252 - Changed: Reconfigured the caching layers. (2.1.2 change).
- Stats: 5 stories complete, with a total of 24 tasks.
Version 2.1.0 - 9 October 2016
- This release adds Expression support to list. This allows the THN to create lists based on the item data.
- #3171 - Feature: Added expression support.
- #3049 - Feature: Added expression list views.
- #3072 - Feature: Remove legacy import code.
- #3072 - Feature: Add missing lists from Item DB V1.
- #3206 - Added: Rare items list.
- #3207 - Added: Rare Mr Jones items list.
- #3209 - Added: Rare Epic items list.
- #3214 - Added: Quest items list.
- #3030 - Added: FSM items list.
- #3029 - Added: FDB items list.
- #3215 - Fixed: Phoenix MC database items.
- #3181 - Fixed: Missing admin translations.
- #3180 - Fixed: Icon sizes used in OpenGraph.
- #3180 - Fixed: Validation on editing attribute lists.
- #3213 - Fixed: Removed surplus tables from Aplha releases..
- #3217 - Fixed: Short group names are now used on the home page.
- Stats: 7 stories complete, with a total of 39 tasks.
Version 2.0.0+2.0.1 - 24th September 2016
- This is the Items DB V2 Gold release.
- #3144 - Feature: Added weight column. (See boosters group)
- #3149 - Feature: Added ammo clip size attribute.
- #3150 - Feature: Added weapon magazine size attribute.
- #3151 - Feature: Added item charges attribute.
- #3154 - Feature: Added last login and login count.
- #3110 - Feature: Added admin attributes editing.
- #3161 - Updated: Translations in admin options.
- #3148 - Fixed: Editing/Add permissions on items (Opps again!).
- #3153 - Fixed: The 403 page is now a little more helpful.
- #3125 - Fixed: Weight changes in the diff view not being shown. This issue also effected anyone submitting a weight only change update.
- #3143 - Fixed: Missing description on diff view for modifier skill effects..
- #3132 - Fixed: Login no longer throws you to the home page, and added remember me functionality.
- #3125 - Fixed: Crash with item merge tool.
- #3134 - Fixed: CSS issue with edit groups.
- #3177 - Fixed: Stray attribute item on add.
- Stats: 5 stories complete, with a total of 33 tasks.
Version 2.0.0-Beta2 - 30th July 2016
- #3027 - Main feature: Allow editing/adding attributes for items.
- #3098 - Feature: Completely re-wrote the diff view to be readable by normal runners instead of hackers.
- #3094 - All THN users can now submit Item DB updates.
- #2226 - Implement legacy support so old URL's redirect to new URL's.
- #3069 - Fix edit permissions for admins.
- #3075 - Fix wrong Google Analytics ID.
- #3071 - Update Jenkins testing and deploy scripts.
- #3003 - Allow 2000 characters in the description field. (Was 500).
- #3074 - BoomBigFix: issue with adding certain group type crashing the site.
- #3106 - Moved weapon modifiers to it's own section on detail view.
- #3107 - Fixed display of character modifiers effects. (Health, Stamina etc)
- #3102 - Fixed update handling of slugs.
- #3113 - Review page has been updated.
- #3114 - Admin merge button has been moved to the admin panel.
- #3115 - Fixed odd spacing on version tab heading.
- #3116 - Fixed combat tools icon.
- #3116 - Fixed combat tools icon.
- Stats: 4 stories complete, with a total of 52 tasks.
Version 2.0.0-Beta1 - 10th July 2016
- First beta release of Items DB V2.
- Users are currently not able to edit items in this release.
Version 2.0.0-alpha
- #2777 - Fixed: Display items on correct panel after editing.
- #2779 - Fixed: Don't show a root group for an item.
- #2778 - Fixed: Don't show new items in list.
- #2996 - Add option to enable/disable row highlighting.
- #2996 - Reworked the CSS for better overriding.
- #2962 - Reworked views to allow different views on lists.
- #3024 - Added a grid view.
- #2298 - Allow admins to accept and reject changes.
- #3041 - Item ID only visible to Item admins.
- #3035 - Some legacy data now added to internal data object (Admin visible only).
- #3036 - Add tab on item view for internal data (Admin visible only).
- #2747 - Add item merge tool.
- #3035 - Add ability for merge tool to use legacy THN item ID's
- #3041 - Add UI for merging.
- #3047 - Add smart logic use legacy ID's when available to merge command and UI.
- #3046 - Add tools and UI for hiding/un-hiding items.
- #3064 - Updated all support packages to support ML Framework 3.8.
Version 2.0.0-alpha4
- #2768 - Fixed: Missing ammo from import and wrong group for Vehicle ammo.
- #2770 - Fixed: Group editor options - fixed line wrapping issues.
- #2771 - Fixed: Don't import blank items.
Version 2.0.0-alpha3
- This release implements the attributes system - which is a common system for storing requirements, modifiers armour and tags.
- Please note: Editing/Adding attributes is currently not available in this release.
- #2713 - Feature: Add Metadata support - this will allow for new data to be added to items without the need for code updates.
- #2693 - Feature: Import all existing requirements, modifiers armour and flags into the new attribute system.
- #2715 - Feature: Update all display templates to use the new attribute system.
- #2734 - Feature: Update internal entity names to be more abstract - this will help with a major new feature that is planned for 2.0+
- #2740 - Task: Merge Recycle and Construction parts classes.
- #2742 - Task: Update editors to support the new part classes.
Version 2.0.0-alpha2
- #2666 - Feature: Development of image selection during item editing.
- #2667 - Fixed: Issue with Firefox with parts editing - Thanks to DJ for finding the bug.
- #2669 - Feature: Select group when editing.
- #2670 - Fixed: Don't list admin groups in group dropdown list.
- #2674 - Feature: Submit new item.
- #2673 - Feature: User options block added.
- #2672 - Feature: Some Item DB GFX and CSS were updated and added.
- #2675 - Feature: Edit/Add weight on item.
- #2678 - Feature: Show/Edit/Add item description.
- #2238 - Feature: Edit/Add new item groups.
- #2686 - Feature: Allow admins to set list settings to show parts or recycle parts on the list pages. (Off by default)
- #2690 - Feature: Allow admins to show/hide group title for each list (On by default)
- #2691 - Feature: Allow admins to show/hide group description for each list (Off by default)
- #2695 - Fixed: Server error when not found paths were not correctly generating a 404 page.
- #2677 - Feature: Allow admins to add/change images.
Version 2.0.0-alpha1
- Project setup of Items DB V2
- A lot of the features and groundwork was done in this time. Please note a detailed list of change log entries is not available.
- Summary of main changes.
- All items are now versioned.
- All items will have a new SEF url
- Users will now be able to submit their own changes.
- All user changes will have to be approved.
- Mobile support - there will be some support for mobile devices, but this will be a work in progress feature.
- The import from the old Item DB has tried to link the active and legacy items in the history.
- The item DB V1 Soap API will no longer be supported - a new API will be released.
- During the import an attempt to remove duplicated images has been made.