Items DB

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Fallen Angels FDB items

Fallen Angels Faction Database Items. You will require TL90 Blank Blueprints, and a CodeBreaker Mark 6 if you are not a member of the faction.


  TL Item name Requirements Item status
96 Tech Angels Radiated Ion Assault Drone IOX-3 DEX: 96 WPW: 81 RCL: 113
104 Devils Breath Ion Nuke Drone DEX: 104 WPW: 85 RCL: 117
112 Devastator Ion Drone DEX: 112 WPW: 88 RCL: 121


Special gloves for tradeskillers
  TL Item name Requirements Modifiers Item status
0 Machina Research Glove INT: 55
INT: +3 RES: +25 TRA: +10
WEP: -3 T-C: -3
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